Ethiopian Pharmaceutical Association (EPA) Wolaita Sodo Chapter Office is making the necessary preparations to colorfully celebrate EPA's 50th year fo [...]
Today, 22 August 2024, we held a very fruitful discussion with Addis Ababa City Administration Health Bureau, Pharmacy Directorate. We discussed on a [...]
EPA has got accredited two online continuing professional development (CPD) courses, one on Professional Ethics for Pharmacy Personnel in Ethiopia" an [...]
A consultative workshop to enrich a “Clinical Pharmacists Coaching Guide” organized by the Ethiopian Pharmaceutical Association (EPA) and USAID/JSI ki [...]
Ethiopian Pharmaceutical Association (EPA) Wolaita Sodo Chapter Office is making the necessary preparations to colorfully celebrate EPA's 50th year fo [...]
A consultative workshop to enrich a “Clinical Pharmacists Coaching Guide” organized by the Ethiopian Pharmaceutical Association (EPA) and USAID/JSI ki [...]
Call For Abstract
Ethiopian Pharmaceutical Association (EPA) Wolaita Sodo Chapter Office is making the necessary preparations to colorfully celebrate EPA's 50th year fo [...]